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Regardless of state, all plans fall into one of four categories: bronze, silver, gold, or platinum. These four metal tiers adhere to a price structure that matches their medical coverage rates—not the quality of care you’ll receive.

Each year the Health Insurance Marketplace has an open enrollment period and special enrollment periods for eligible taxpayers. For information about enrollment periods, visit or contact your state-based Marketplace.

Generally, bronze and silver plans are best for young, relatively healthy individuals who don’t make frequent doctor visits. These plans typically have lower average premiums and larger deductibles.

Si es el caso, tu médico nos expedirá una remisión para el especialista que deseas consultar antiguamente de que hagas una cita. Este paso adicional nos ayuda a afianzar que el doble esté En el interior de la red y que tu plan ayudará a cubrir el costo.

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An individual health plan may be purchased for you and your family during the annual open enrollment period with the Marketplace.

Marketplaces will determine eligibility for advance tax credit payments and cost-sharing reductions for the coverage year in the fall before the new coverage year starts.

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When you have Marketplace insurance, you'll pay your monthly premiums directly to the insurance company — not to the Marketplace. here Your coverage won't start until you pay your first premium. Get more information on completing your enrollment.

No pudimos encontrar planes Individuales y Familiares ACA de UnitedHealthcare en tu área. Pero puedes atraer a un agente de seguros autorizado de UnitedHealthcare para obtener ayuda para encontrar un plan ACA arreglado en tu area, o presentarse HealthMarkets para ver los planes ACA de otras compañías en itinerario.

Do I have to buy my health insurance through a Marketplace? You are not required to buy coverage through the Marketplace. There is no longer a federal penalty for not having health coverage (although DC and four states have state-based penalties for website people who choose to remain uninsured).

Through the help of a smart algorithm, the platform surfaces products relevant to consumers and their search patterns, helping your business find the right customers.

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